Can You Boil Sparkling Water?

Sparkling water can make many types of drinks taste better, which is one of the reasons why carbonated beverages are so popular.

If you’re making coffee or tea and you’re wondering if you can boil sparkling water instead of using regular water, the answer is yes, you can boil sparkling water instead of flat or still water for both tea and coffee, as well as for many other dishes. That being said, there are some differences in taste when using sparkling water in place of flat water.

What Happens If You Use Sparkling Water Instead of Tap Water?

Boiling sparkling water in a pot

Simply put, using any type of boiled carbonated water to make things such as coffee or tea causes the water itself to become flat, in part because the boiling process removes carbon dioxide.

If this concerns you, don’t let it. The truth is that nothing bad will happen to the carbon dioxide in your sparkling water because the process causes no major negative effects. The only thing you might notice is that the tea or coffee is a little bitter or sour.

Why Does the Flavor Sometimes Differ?

The slightly bitter taste comes from the small amount of carbon dioxide being dissolved in the water as it’s being boiled. The longer the boiling water is on the stove, the more pronounced the taste will be, which is why boiling any type of sparkling water for only short periods of time is generally recommended. You should also keep in mind that sparkling water generally offers no real benefits over flat water, which is why most people use flat water for things such as tea and coffee.

There are also no nutritional benefits of using any type of carbonated water, and considering how much more expensive it is than regular tap water, there’s little wonder why most people prefer to use normal water.

Instead of boiling your sparkling water, you can use it as a side drink to go with espresso. Carbonated water cleanses your palate and refreshes your taste buds, allowing you to take in the full flavor of each sip of espresso.