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Spring Onion

Best Substitutes For Spring Onion

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Servings 4


  • Regular onions
  • Shallots
  • Leeks
  • Chives
  • Green Garlic
  • Young Leek Tops


  • Consider the Dish:
    For salads or uncooked dishes, a fresh, crisp alternative is ideal.For cooked dishes, a more robust onion flavor might be acceptable.
  • Consider the Texture:
    If the crunchiness of spring onions is integral to the dish, choose substitutes that can offer a similar bite, such as raw white onion or the white part of leeks.
  • Green vs. White Parts:
    If a recipe specifically calls for the green or white parts of spring onions, tailor your substitute accordingly. For example, use chives or the green parts of leeks to replace the green tops. For the white bulb, shallots or the white part of leeks can work.
  • Quantity Adjustments:
    Since different onions have varying intensities, adjust the amount based on your substitute. For instance, if you're using white or red onions, you may want to use less than the recipe calls for to avoid overpowering the dish.
  • Always Taste:
    Once you've added your substitute, taste your dish to ensure the flavors are balanced. Adjust seasonings if necessary.